"Super Mario 64 Achievements But I Never Played The Game"

I'm kind of realizing I should make these titles shorter...

After a week of recording, a week of scripting, and like 2-3 weeks of editing, I finally made this video. Fun fact, this was one of my ideas to do over the Winter break. I wanted to do some set that was hard and was gonna take a long time, so I can grind it out since I had no school worries. My options were Doom (PS1), the Crash Bandicoot PS1 trilogy, or Mario 64. Well, you can guess which one I ended up choosing. The reason Mario 64 won over others was because this is a game I wanted to beat for a LONG LONG time, if you watched the video you knew I said that I watched videos about the game but somehow never played it, and where as with Doom and Crash, I played and beat the games countless of times. For me it was a no brainer. I'll eventually do videos on those, too, but I'm not sure when as they're gonna take a long time to master. My assumption is the summer break, but honestly? I have way too many ideas that are gonna take a really long time to make. Along with other stuff that isn't related to content that is gonna take up my time. I am very excited for my future after graduating high school and I can't wait to see what I'll end up making. I could make an entire blog post about this, but as I said I don't wanna spoil too much stuff.

The video editing wise is probably my favourite so far, I set out to edit one stage per day, which takes around 2-3 hours, maybe 4 at most if the stage is long. So that allowed me to go all in on the editing. I loved the jokes that I made, how I edited those jokes, and how I finally used more sound effects, something I'd say I had to use more of in my videos. I believe it's my best video both writing wise as well. I made so many more jokes that fit and I explained my emotions really well. Overall I'd say it's just a really good video, and I'm very proud of it. What also made this possible is that I can finally edit videos normally. I now have a beefy PC, and while editing the video, Premiere only crashed twice! This doesn't sound good, but if you use Premiere, you know that this is a GODSEND. Especially while editing a one hour long video with 4k, 60FPS footage, as opposed to my old PC, where I had to wait like 5 minutes just for the project to LOAD.

Performace wise, it's... okay? I made my expectations way too high, and not seeing it perform as well as the Tom and Jerry video made me kinda bummed out, honestly. When we look at it like this, the video is performing great. It currently has 1.3k views, which is more than half of my subcount (1.69k) and I have more returning viewers than I have new ones. That's a great sign, since my audience actually watches my shit. But... this is my least viewed video right now. I know that my Tom and Jerry video boosted the others by a good while, but my fucking Muppet Monster Adventure video has 1.7k views, and I consider that to be my worst video on the channel. Thankfully the emotions were only for the first two days, as I know too well not to dwell on the performance and to just continue forward, and ask myself "why did this video perform worse than others?" While I'll never know the exact reasons, I can make guesses. Being one hour long isn't the problem, most of my videos are from 30-50 minutes in length. Currently my biggest assumption is that the game is just way too popular for people to care. I mean, everyone knows Super Mario 64, everyone has played Super Mario 64, and most likely you'll meet quite a few people that have encyclopedic knowledge on the game. So probably people weren't as interested as they were on Tom and Jerry. And I think it's best for me to stick to more unknown hidden gems, as not only do I want to play those, but it also works the best for me. I have the most fun showcasing these games (like Sheep Raider, Lost in Time, etc) and that's what I also excel at. My priorities should be to focus more on the unknown that to stick with the popular. Although I should do more videos to see if this is actually true. I'll hopefully do every video idea I wanna do this year, as I have combinations of both unknown games and well know stuff (spoiler, Crash Bandicoot for the known and Croc for the unknown, for example). Again I shouldn't worry too much about this, I should just stick to creating stuff not for views and clicks, but to entertain. The views will come naturally.
