Welp, it finally took some time (uhh... 4 years to be exact) to convince myself to finally start working on a personal webiste. To be honest, I always wanted one - I love programming and the concept of me having my own little personal website to showcase the stuff I've done was always a fascinating concept for me. Sure, I could just use social media to share, but this is more personal. Way more personal. I always wanted to have a blog, but not on some site that has everything ready - I wanted to build it myself. Well, the site's main purpose is NOT only to serve as my own personal blog, but to showcase my work.
I actually have a lot of plans for this site. Like, a really stupid amount of ideas. Let's start with the things I (at the time of writing this) have; an About Me section, and a Blog section. The funny thing is the about me is not even 20% done. I have yet to put all of my interests and links. AND I plan on making a separate page for each of my interests. Content, writing, editing, programming, music and even a page about all of the games I play actively. (Or, "competitively"? I have yet to come up with a name for this.) Oh yeah, and an entire section about my hyperfixations and my OC Gizmo :)
As for the blog, well there's not really much to add now, innit. I basically have everything setup, and I just need to create the HTML layout for each entry and yap. The blog entires are ordered in a "newest to oldest" order and my rule is that there shall be no more or less than 50 entries per page, so it's more readable and less messy. It does sound like a high number, but I like to yap a LOT so it'll get filled up pretty fast. Oh yeah, the entries can either range from progress on some project, an experience I had that was notable/worthy enough to be posted here, or yapping about anything I like. I can't even put an exact label on what I'll talk about since it can be literally anything I wanna make a blog post about lmao. Although I WILL have a label on every blog entry so you know what it'll be about.
For the rest of the site, I want to have a guide page. Guides for what? Uhh... a lot of stuff. Well, specifically, stuff I am really good and/or competent at. Study guides, self-help guides, to guides about games I play (Garfield Kart, Coffin Dodgers, Garfield Lasagna Party, Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3, etc...). I like helping people, especially in something that I am extremely good at, and people call me a good teacher so I am confident I can share my knowledge successfully. Maybe programming guides too but I am not too sure. I learn it in a very "unique" way where I know what the code does, or what to code; but I make an explanation that only I understand lmao. I also wanna make a "projects" page for... well, projects. To mention every programming project I worked on and share the source code - if I can. Hopefully I'll manage to find time to work on something else besides this site (programming student is busy with other stuff that isn't programming??? the education system in Bosnia is so good!) Oh, and I'll probably have a page for movie/show/book/game (heavy asterisk on that last one) reviews. I rarely watch shows and movies, and I read somewhat infrequently, but I wanna use this site to actually force myself to be at least somewhat interesting to rest of society who don't spend their free time working on YouTube videos or grinding away in fucking Garfield Kart, of all games I could've picked. Although I am not a picky person, I enjoy most stuff, even if the majority considered it bad. I'm gonna try to not make it an actual review, but more like a yappathon on what I like and dislike - which is literally what a fucking review is but I'm not going in a show with a review mindset. As for why I mentioned the heavy asterisk on the games part is because every new game I play is for a video. It's very rare that I'll buy a game that I won't play for a video, and I already share my opinions in the video, so making separate reviews here just feels redundant as because what I'll be saying the same shit I'd say in the video.
Damn and that's it really (well, for now, I'll probably come up with more stuff in the future) but the things I mentioned will take some time to make. Especially because I don't have all day to do this. I have school and content to work on. Although I can say that I am very excited to be doing this. I went on a "fuck it, we balling" route while learning CSS and I learnt more in the past 3 days than I did in my first semester of web dev class lmao. I really like how the style of the site turned out and I want it to stay that way. Oml imagine a recruiter a couple years from now looks at my website for my portfolio. My ass will NOT get hired on God.